Saturday, October 3, 2009

SymPy + Reinteract + Lasem = ♛

Lasem is an SVG and MathML rendering library that also handles itex. What is really cool about it is that it uses cairo. This means that we need no more calls to dvipng when rendering sympy output! It is also fast and handles matrices:

The second prize in coolness goes to the mathtex project, which allows one to render latex using straight python and cairo.

I have code integrating both mathtex and lasem into sympy + reinteract. Neither is ready enough to be released at this point, but soon they will be. Stay tuned!


Alexander said...

Hi Jorn,

I was just curious about the progress on the combination of Sympy, Reinteract and Lasem. This combination is very powerful in my opinion. So any releases, even of beta-quality would be very appreciated.


Jorn Baayen said...

Alexander, the ball has been with the Reinteract developers for a couple of months now. I submitted several patches to make the integration with Sympy and Lasem possible, but they have not yet been integrated.

Jorn Baayen said...

A rebase of the old code to the latest Reinteract is available on Bugzilla.